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Creative Form Drawing with Children 6-10- book 1

Creative Form Drawing with Children 6-10- book 1

Creative Form Drawing Workbook 1 is a form-drawing resource for teachers working with a specific age range. It is designed to be used with the Steiner/Waldorf curriculum from classes 1 to 3. Creative form drawing helps children develop hand-eye coordination, spatial orientation, observation skills, confident movement, drawing skills and the foundation skills for handwriting. Originally developed by Rudolf Steiner, creative form drawing is used widely in Steiner/Waldorf schools to enable healthy child development and learning.

Both volumes 1 and 2 include sections on the purposes of form drawing, how to use form drawing to counteract negative screen-effects, and the origins and development of creative form drawing. Creative Form Drawing is an informative and easy-to-use resource that will be of great use to anyone wishing to use this valuable developmental tool with children.

Contents of workbook 1:
Introduction; Using this book; Teaching methods; Part one, Class One; Part Two, Class Two; Part Three, Class Three; Quotations from lectures by Rudolf Steiner; References and recommended reading; Acknowledgements.

Contents of workbook 2:
Introduction; Using this book; Teaching methods; The adolescent child and art; Part One, Class Four; Part Two, Class Five; Quotations from lectures by Rudolf Steiner; References and recommended reading; Acknowledgements 
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